Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What Makes a Good Game

In my opinion a good game is one that has longevity. As of recently, many people have started to get tired of games and went back to old ones. This, for the most part, is a good way to see if a game is good, if people still enjoy playing it long past it's lifetime. Another thing that makes a good game for me is one that has a lot of different game types. Games that only have one game type (campaign, multiplayer, etc.) get really bland. If a game has more than one game type, it will make the game more appealing to people and if you get bored on one game type they can just go to another. One final thing that makes a good game for me is a good reward and leveling up system. Good games would have a reward system that rewards players that know more about the game and are better at it.

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