Tuesday, November 15, 2016


The things that I still need to complete are the rooms being able to successfully be able to go from room to room, having a way to win and lose the game, adding colors to the background of my game, and finish writing the background story for my game. Today I will want to complete having all the rooms being able to connect to each other. By the end of the week I will need to have everything done.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Starcraft Review Differences

There are many differences of that between my Starcraft 2 review and that of the one that the one that we read in class. The review that the person made has a lot more interesting words and comparisons. His review has a lot of very well constructed transitions that help flow the paper into new concepts and ideas. The review that the person wrote is a lot more appealing to a general gaming audience. Some things that I would want to change for my next review is adding more game comparisons and references to different parts that happen in game. I would also like to add a lot more appealing and interesting words to captivate my audience. I want to add more transitional phrases to fluently transition into a new topic.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Picture Description

The picture above has 9 rectangles/squares at the top row. It has 2 squares at the top right that intersect at a right angle. In the right angle there are two rectangles, one is shorter than the other and the other is significantly bigger. The 2 rectangles next to it are exactly the same. There is a rectangle next to it that is the same height as the 2 rectangles. There are two rectangles that are stacked on top of each other, the top rectangle is bigger in height than the bottom one. The rectangles next to them are the same but shorter in length.The rectangle next to it is the same length and height as the top. The bottom rectangle is twice the size of the bottom rectangles to the left of it. There are two rectangles of the same length and their height is the exact same as the top and bottom square to it's left.There is one rectangle at the bottom. There are 2 squares to the right and the top square is 3 fifths of the height of the rectangle. The bottom rectangle is the remaining height of the rectangle. The two rectangles to the right are the same height of the square on top and the top square. The rectangle to the right is the same height of the square to the left. The two squares to the right are the same length as the square to the left.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Compare and Contrast for if,if-else,switch statements

The conditional statements of  if, if-else,and switch statements have lot of similarities and a lot of differences. Some similarities between them is that if and if-else let the user input more than one answer. Switch statements also let the user input more than one answer. A difference between all of these conditional statements is that if and if-else statements is that you can only make it so that the user is able to input 2 answers. On the other hand, switch statements let the user input more than one answer.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Compiling a Program

What it means to compile a program is the computer putting together all the code in the program and transferring it into computer language. It is the computer using all the code that it finds and transforming it into the finished product that the code was intended to make. The computer reads all the code that is written in the system and then compiles it into the program.

Thoughts, Feelings, and Solutions on "Humans Need Not Apply"

After watching the video "Humans Need Not Apply" I have a lot of initial thoughts and feelings on the video. It's scary to think that it's inevitable that we will all eventually be replaced by cheaper and more efficient than humans. There are not many solutions that will be able to prevent the inevitable. One solution, although it's not one that will most likely work, is showing and trying to make society learn on what is going to happen so we can try to delay the technology taking over. Other than that, companies would see the technology as a good business decision and they are the ones that really have a say on what happens.

Love Sandwhich

Some parts that are going well for me so far is learning how to code and do it well. Some other things that are going well is having people that will help me and assist me when I need help. Some parts that could be improved upon is having more work time but that's easier said than done. There's not much that needs to be improved upon it's a good class. Some things that other teachers have done that have helped me is having a lot/most of the class to work on things that we need to do to stay on track.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Comparing and Contrasting the four variable types

The four variable types are: bool,char,double and int. Bools make a statement true of false, int is for plain numbers and decimals, char holds characters, and double holds decimals and bigger numbers. The similarity of int and double is that they both hold numbers to be on screen. The difference between the two is that the double variable is that it holds bigger numbers while the int variable holds smaller numbers and decimals. Another similarity between all of the variables is that they all hold a number or letters to print different things. The difference between bool and char is that bool prints a certain line of text to the screen and char just holds a character to be used.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Worm.is Critique

Worm.is is a good game. It is a copy of Slither.io but it seems to have some features that are not in Slither.io. I didn't play the game long enough to see what the features did but it seems like a system that rewards the player for playing more and doing better at the game. It has a lot of people playing which is good as you have many people to play against. Overall it is a good game with a lot of potential.

Compile-Time Error & a Run Time Error

A Compile-Time Error is any error that happens when the program is being compiled that prevents the program from being compiled. On the other hand a Run Time error is an error that happens when the program is being executed that shows that there is a bug in the program and usually it is something that the designers cannot do anything about. The main difference between the two is that  the compile-time error is that it happens  while the program is being compiled and the run time error happens when the program is already in use.
Image result for compile time error
Compile-Time Error
Image result for runtime error definition
Run Time Error

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What Makes a Good Game

In my opinion a good game is one that has longevity. As of recently, many people have started to get tired of games and went back to old ones. This, for the most part, is a good way to see if a game is good, if people still enjoy playing it long past it's lifetime. Another thing that makes a good game for me is one that has a lot of different game types. Games that only have one game type (campaign, multiplayer, etc.) get really bland. If a game has more than one game type, it will make the game more appealing to people and if you get bored on one game type they can just go to another. One final thing that makes a good game for me is a good reward and leveling up system. Good games would have a reward system that rewards players that know more about the game and are better at it.

How to Compile a Program in Visual Studio

To compile a program in visual studio you have to start by typing in the library that contains pre-written code.  The next thing that you have to do is have a namespace that acts like a cheat to write less code and still function the same. After putting enter, you add the starting point of the program. Afterwards, you have to add the cout which prints text to the screen and in the same line, add end/ to end the line. Finally skip two lines and add a }.

Monday, August 29, 2016

My Game Idea

I'm thinking about making the game be set in an old steam punk game. The characters are stuck in a tunnel where they have to get out. The point of the game is to get the players out of the tunnel safely. There will be at least one character if not two.it will be an rpg type game. The characters identity's are unknown.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The World Wide Web and The Internet

The Difference Between The Internet and The World Wide Web

The Internet is the connection that connects and transfers data to computers. On the other hand the World Wide Web is the way that we as people are able to access the Internet and communicate with each other. Both work together as the Internet connects all computers to each other and the web allows us to use the Internet.